Foreign Worker

Foreign Worker


  1. Work in permitted sectors namely Manufacturing, Construction, Agriculture, Plantation and Services;
  2. Foreign worker applications by employers/companies are subject to quota approval from the Local Approval Center (OSC), Ministry of Home Affairs.
  3. Be not less than 18 years old and not more than 45 years old at the time of application;
  4. Confirmed passing the IMMIGRATION SECURITY CLEARANCE (ISC) verification done in the source country. List of ISC Centers.
  5. Certified healthy by a health inspection center in the source country; List of health centers.
  6. Prospective workers are not included in the list of foreign individuals who are prohibited from entering according to Section 8(3) of the Immigration Act 1959/1963; and
  7. Foreign workers must be recruited from an authorized source country as follows:


  1. Work in permitted sectors namely Manufacturing, Construction, Agriculture, Plantation and Services;
  2. Foreign worker applications by employers/companies are subject to quota approval from the Local Approval Center (OSC), Ministry of Home Affairs.
  3. Be not less than 18 years old and not more than 45 years old at the time of application;
  4. Confirmed passing the IMMIGRATION SECURITY CLEARANCE (ISC) verification done in the source country. List of ISC Centers.
  5. Certified healthy by a health inspection center in the source country; List of health centers.
  6. Prospective workers are not included in the list of foreign individuals who are prohibited from entering according to Section 8(3) of the Immigration Act 1959/1963; and
  7. Foreign workers must be recruited from an authorized source country as follows:
THAILAND  Semua sektor (Pembinaan, Perladangan, Pertanian, Perkhidmatan dan Perkilangan)
  • Construction (high tension cable only);
  • Services (goldsmith, wholesale/ retail, restaurant-cooks only, metal/ scrap materials and recycling, textiles and barbers);
  • Agriculture; and Plantation
INDONESIA  Male workers from Indonesia are allowed to work in all sectors except Manufacturing, while female workers from Indonesia are allowed to work in all sectors stipulated.
BANGLADESH  Plantation via G2G agreement
THAILAND  Semua sektor (Pembinaan, Perladangan, Pertanian, Perkhidmatan dan Perkilangan)
  • Construction (high tension cable only);
  • Services (goldsmith, wholesale/ retail, restaurant-cooks only, metal/ scrap materials and recycling, textiles and barbers);
  • Agriculture; and Plantation
INDONESIA  Male workers from Indonesia are allowed to work in all sectors except Manufacturing, while female workers from Indonesia are allowed to work in all sectors stipulated.
BANGLADESH  Plantation via G2G agreement

Application Procedures

  1. Employers must first get the PASS Immigration Security Clearance (ISC) result at the ISC centre in the source countries.
  2. Employers must first apply to the Immigration Department for a Visa with Reference (VDR) approval before employing foreign workers.
  3. Application forms for VDR can be submitted either at the Immigration counters or online via e-Services system.
  4. VDR application must follow this checklist:
    1. VDR application form
    2. Approval letter from Ministry of Home Affairs (Quota approval)
    3. Original receipt of payment for levy
    4. IM.12 and IM.38 Forms
    5. Security bond – deposits / insurance guarantee / bank guarantee (insurance guarantee must be stamped and valid for at least 18 months )
    6. Copy of the foreign workers’ passports
    7. Latest photo of the foreign workers (passports size)
    8. Medical certificates from the medical centre in origin countries (valid for 3 month from the date of issuance)
    9. Foreign Worker Compensation Scheme (insurance)
    10. Insurance policy of Health Insurance Protection Scheme Foreign Workers (SPIKPA) – Except for Plantation Sector
  5. Foreign workers must remain in their respective countries while pending VDR approval from Malaysia Immigration Department.
  1. Foreign workers will only be allowed to enter the country at the authorized entry points using the VDR issued by the Immigration Department and entry visa issued by the Malaysian Attachés Office in the country of origin. 
  2. Employers must ensure that the clearance process of foreign workers at the entry points is done within 24 hours from the arrival time. 
  3. The issuance of Visit Pass (Temporary Employment) [VP(TE)] to the foreign workers will only be done after they have passed the FOMEMA medical examination within 30 days which can be done at any medical centres registered with FOMEMA. 
  4. VP(TE) will be issued once the foreign worker is certified fit by clinic/ medical centre registered with FOMEMA. Failing which, the foreign worker will not be allowed to stay and work in this country. Employers are required to apply for Check Out Memo for the repatriation of the foreign worker. 
  5. Issuance of VP(TE) shall be made at the Immigration Office which issued the VDR approval letter.
  1. VP(TE) is valid for a period of 12 months. Employers can apply for VP(TE) extension 3 months before the expiry date.
  2. Employers must ensure the extension application is made before the VP(TE) expires. Any application submitted after the expiry date will be referred to the Immigration Enforcement Division for consideration.
  3. Application of VP(TE) extension must adhere to this checklist :
    • The passport of the foreign worker is still valid for 12 months and above
    • Application letter to extend the VP(TE)
    • Identification document of employee/ company representative (SSM company / Form 49 / Form B & D / Card Company Representative / Form Company representatives have endorsed / copy of the employer ‘s identity card)
    • The security bond is a form of bank guarantee/insurance guarantee/deposit ( validity period of bank guarantee/insurance guarantee is at least 18 months )
    • Insurance policy of Health Insurance Protection Scheme Foreign Workers (SPIKPA) – except for plantation sector
    • Slip of Foreign Workers Compensation Scheme ( FWCS )
    • Foreign workers must undergo a medical examination and be certified fit by the clinic/ medical center registered with FOMEMA (for 2nd and 3rd-year extension only)
  • Foreign workers are allowed to work in this country every year for up to 10 years. However, those registered under the 6P Program are allowed to work up to 3 years only.
  • Upon completion or termination of employment, the employers must ensure that foreign workers are deported to their origin countries by using Check Out Memo. Security bond can be claimed provided the repatriation process is done accordingly through Check Out Memo.
  • The following fees must be paid to the Immigration Department for VP(TE) extension application:

    SECTORLEVY (Peninsular)LEVY
    (Sabah / Sarawak)
    ManufacturingRM1,850.00RM1,010.00RM60.00RM125.00Based on nationality
    Services (island resort)RM1,850.00RM1,010.00RM60.00RM125.00

    Table 1 : Rate of levy, VP(TE) and process fee based on different sectors

    Please provide a valid CSV file.

    Table 2 : Rates of Visa and security bond based on nationality

    1. Payment can be made in cash or bank drafts to the “Director General Of Immigration Malaysia”.
    2. For the state office, address it to the “Director Of Immigration of (the respective states)”. For example; Director Of Immigration Selangor) 
    3. Foreign workers who hold the VP(TE) permit must adhere to these conditions : 
      1. family members are not allowed to accompany or live in this country;
      2. must not work as a front liner;
      3. change of employers or employment sectors is not allowed;
      4. marriage is prohibited with local or foreign citizens
  1. Foreign workers can be categorized as absconded when:
    1. leaving work place without notifying the employers with the intention to escape; and
    2. not returning to work place after coming back from origin country
  2. Employers are required to notify the Immigration Department for absconded cases and must provide these documents:
    1. identification document of employer/company representative
    2. Copy of foreign worker’s passport
    3. Foreign worker absconded form
    4. Valid police report
  3. Foreign workers who commit the act of abscondment will be blacklisted by the Immigration Department.
  4. Their security bonds will be confiscated as well.
  1. Foreign workers with valid VP(TE) will also be issued the i-Kad and its validity period is the same with the VP(TE).
  2. The issuance of i-Kad does not incur any additional cost to the employers and it will be sent directly to the employer/company by the authorized vendor.
  3. The issuance of i-Kad is based on 6 employment sectors allowed in this country and they are indicated by different colours, as follows:
    PerkilanganMerah hati
    Pembantu Rumah AsingCoklat

Application Procedures

  1. Employers must first get the PASS Immigration Security Clearance (ISC) result at the ISC centre in the source countries.
  2. Employers must first apply to the Immigration Department for a Visa with Reference (VDR) approval before employing foreign workers.
  3. Application forms for VDR can be submitted either at the Immigration counters or online via e-Services system.
  4. VDR application must follow this checklist:
    1. VDR application form
    2. Approval letter from Ministry of Home Affairs (Quota approval)
    3. Original receipt of payment for levy
    4. IM.12 and IM.38 Forms
    5. Security bond – deposits / insurance guarantee / bank guarantee (insurance guarantee must be stamped and valid for at least 18 months )
    6. Copy of the foreign workers’ passports
    7. Latest photo of the foreign workers (passports size)
    8. Medical certificates from the medical centre in origin countries (valid for 3 month from the date of issuance)
    9. Foreign Worker Compensation Scheme (insurance)
    10. Insurance policy of Health Insurance Protection Scheme Foreign Workers (SPIKPA) – Except for Plantation Sector
  5. Foreign workers must remain in their respective countries while pending VDR approval from Malaysia Immigration Department.
  1. Foreign workers will only be allowed to enter the country at the authorized entry points using the VDR issued by the Immigration Department and entry visa issued by the Malaysian Attachés Office in the country of origin. 
  2. Employers must ensure that the clearance process of foreign workers at the entry points is done within 24 hours from the arrival time. 
  3. The issuance of Visit Pass (Temporary Employment) [VP(TE)] to the foreign workers will only be done after they have passed the FOMEMA medical examination within 30 days which can be done at any medical centres registered with FOMEMA. 
  4. VP(TE) will be issued once the foreign worker is certified fit by clinic/ medical centre registered with FOMEMA. Failing which, the foreign worker will not be allowed to stay and work in this country. Employers are required to apply for Check Out Memo for the repatriation of the foreign worker. 
  5. Issuance of VP(TE) shall be made at the Immigration Office which issued the VDR approval letter.
  1. VP(TE) is valid for a period of 12 months. Employers can apply for VP(TE) extension 3 months before the expiry date.
  2. Employers must ensure the extension application is made before the VP(TE) expires. Any application submitted after the expiry date will be referred to the Immigration Enforcement Division for consideration.
  3. Application of VP(TE) extension must adhere to this checklist :
    • The passport of the foreign worker is still valid for 12 months and above
    • Application letter to extend the VP(TE)
    • Identification document of employee/ company representative (SSM company / Form 49 / Form B & D / Card Company Representative / Form Company representatives have endorsed / copy of the employer ‘s identity card)
    • The security bond is a form of bank guarantee/insurance guarantee/deposit ( validity period of bank guarantee/insurance guarantee is at least 18 months )
    • Insurance policy of Health Insurance Protection Scheme Foreign Workers (SPIKPA) – except for plantation sector
    • Slip of Foreign Workers Compensation Scheme ( FWCS )
    • Foreign workers must undergo a medical examination and be certified fit by the clinic/ medical center registered with FOMEMA (for 2nd and 3rd-year extension only)
  • Foreign workers are allowed to work in this country every year for up to 10 years. However, those registered under the 6P Program are allowed to work up to 3 years only.
  • Upon completion or termination of employment, the employers must ensure that foreign workers are deported to their origin countries by using Check Out Memo. Security bond can be claimed provided the repatriation process is done accordingly through Check Out Memo.
  • The following fees must be paid to the Immigration Department for VP(TE) extension application:

    SECTORLEVY (Peninsular)LEVY
    (Sabah / Sarawak)
    ManufacturingRM1,850.00RM1,010.00RM60.00RM125.00Based on nationality
    Services (island resort)RM1,850.00RM1,010.00RM60.00RM125.00

    Table 1 : Rate of levy, VP(TE) and process fee based on different sectors

    Please provide a valid CSV file.

    Table 2 : Rates of Visa and security bond based on nationality

    1. Payment can be made in cash or bank drafts to the “Director General Of Immigration Malaysia”.
    2. For the state office, address it to the “Director Of Immigration of (the respective states)”. For example; Director Of Immigration Selangor) 
    3. Foreign workers who hold the VP(TE) permit must adhere to these conditions : 
      1. family members are not allowed to accompany or live in this country;
      2. must not work as a front liner;
      3. change of employers or employment sectors is not allowed;
      4. marriage is prohibited with local or foreign citizens
  1. Foreign workers can be categorized as absconded when:
    1. leaving work place without notifying the employers with the intention to escape; and
    2. not returning to work place after coming back from origin country
  2. Employers are required to notify the Immigration Department for absconded cases and must provide these documents:
    1. identification document of employer/company representative
    2. Copy of foreign worker’s passport
    3. Foreign worker absconded form
    4. Valid police report
  3. Foreign workers who commit the act of abscondment will be blacklisted by the Immigration Department.
  4. Their security bonds will be confiscated as well.
  1. Foreign workers with valid VP(TE) will also be issued the i-Kad and its validity period is the same with the VP(TE).
  2. The issuance of i-Kad does not incur any additional cost to the employers and it will be sent directly to the employer/company by the authorized vendor.
  3. The issuance of i-Kad is based on 6 employment sectors allowed in this country and they are indicated by different colours, as follows:
    PerkilanganMerah hati
    Pembantu Rumah AsingCoklat